Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hummingbirds, Cicadas and Apostrophes

What a lovely Sunday it has been. This morning began slowly and quietly with another cup of coffee on the Larsen's beautiful front porch. buzzing with hummingbirds busily replenishing their energy supplies. Getting ready for church as everyone else slept was, for once, not a stressful event, since we didn't need to leave until 10:15. Nice.

Worshipping together with my friend Mary and our kids was a blessing. Sitting elbow to elbow with someone who I am only beginning to know, but already love, and singing songs of worship to our Lord, was truly special. Being a different sort of church from my own, I nevertheless did not come to "evaluate" the service at all. I will now say though that I was rather bothered by a renegade apostrophe on one of the overheads- in the Sermon title no less! Nuff' said.

Instead of the hustle and bustle of cooking a huge gourmet meal, we left it to Alex to make his famous taco dip and later he'll make an artichoke and spinach dip for munching. We had some spectacular cheeses and crackers, guacamole, chips, salsa and dip for a lazy Sunday lunch on the porch as we listened to the cicadas sing and enjoyed one another's company.

It's now naptime and I believe the hammock out under the trees is free. Signing off now!


Anonymous said...

On your web page there is a page where certain books are listed for recommended reading.
I'm disappointed that "Emily Post" is listed here as "good" or "recommended" reading material.
Somehow I believe that the Lord is more concerned with our hearts than mere appearances.Our goals as believers should be pleasing Christ and loving his people rather than how we "look" to those in our church community and those around us.
The Lord is concerned with the heart; not what kind of impression we can make.

Barbaranne said...

"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor... Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you,live peaceably with all." -Romans 12: 10, 16-18.

The reason why I am interested in the "rules of etiquette" is because I want to be careful not to hurt or offend anybody by my ignorance of what I should or should not be doing in certain situations. In considering the feelings of others I am putting them before my own convenience. It is from Emily Post's book that I have learned, and taught my children, to write thank you notes for gifts of kindnesses received. From Emily Post I have also learned how to honor those who are guests in my home, making them feel comfortable and welcome. It is through the practice of "manners" that I am able in some small way to take the focus off of myself and show others that I care for them.

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." -Philippians 2:3

Additionally, I am planning a wedding, and haven't the faintest idea where to begin. I need all the help I can get.

Common courtesy would call for a critic to identify themselves instead of taking anonymous jabs at his/ her victim.

avalarue said...

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21

Barbaranne, your response is right on. Bless you for keeping your cool and living what you believe. Our "manners" are a reflection of what's inside our hearts. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

hello again, anonymous one... i didn't read much of emily post, so i beg a pardon if my manners are lacking as ask you why harassing fellow Christians in the name of your good heart finds such appeal over dispensing Christ's love? After all, in accordance with Galatians 6:1, we are told that if "anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness..."

But in a case not of transgression, but where the greatest point of contest is the source for council on etiquette, i must exemplify that emily post's works at least noted the author, which underlies where your own etiquette is lacking... perhaps you should read more.

One other point to ponder: as you stab at fellow Christians, please be aware that your criticism on a family blog is then read by... yes, the family... out of courtesy to those not involved in your conflict, please use a greater sense of tact in further commentaries. The recklessness of your words carries a gargantuan hint of undermining the spiritual maturity of those you critique, and doing so in such a manner to someone in a position of spiritual leadership inside the home is divisive and unnecessary, not to mention scripturally unsound.

In plain English, would you please quest for battles worth fighting, where lives can be changed? Souls will not be saved by criticism of one's preference on etiquette manuals, however, many are turned away by a brutally misconstrued depiction of Christ's love through "constructive criticism" within the Church body. Please be careful.

-Alex Minarik

Anonymous said...

As always, you are gracious and dead on! Miss you my friend.