Friday, June 24, 2011

Boot Camp

And just to continue the information burst after the weeks of silence, I'll quickly mention this new project for the summer.  A friend of mine posted a link on her Facebook page to a slim-down challenge with a catchy name.  The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans Burst into Summer 6 week online Bootcamp.  (See the cute new button on the right of my page->)

What's not to love?!

I decided to give it a quick look and I liked what I saw.  An online group of ladies who are posting no-nonsense workouts, complete with instructional youtube videos, for a thrice-weekly shrinking session!  What's more, I'm learning that if you sign up on their site, you are put into a "team", chosen at random by them, in order to encourage participation and accountability.  There is a weekly check-in, on Wednesdays, and the teams whose member all check in are in the running for prizes, or so it seems.  I'm still looking it over and figuring it out on that end.

But the workout.  Oh. Goodness.

When I got set for the first workout I loaded up all of the videos in order, watched them, and though, "Piece of cake".

Um, no.

By the time I was half-way through I was dripping with sweat- in my air conditioned living room- and making funny noises from the pain.  It wasn't an hour-long session with a Drill Sergeant, but, boy, was it tough!  Once I finished the first workout and I lay panting on the floor I realized something.  If this doesn't break me out of the 6 lb. yo-yo that I've been fighting for a year, nothing will.

Yes, I can go out and run 6 miles with a friend, but I still can't fit into certain dresses- modestly- that hang in my closet.  For me, it's not about the number on the scale, but that number does represent something that is happening between my knees and my neck which needs some alteration.  I'm not in this for vanity, I'm in it so that I can move around in my clothing with more comfort.

So, I've completed W1D2 of the Burst into Summer Bootcamp and lived to tell about it.  If you join me I'd love to hear from you! 

1 comment:

avalarue said...

This auntie retired her boots when Medicare kicked in! Good luck, dearie!