To catch up on a number of fronts; Bekah is now in physical therapy for her scoliosis, we go
Emmi is warming up to us again after the trauma of medictaion at our hands. She was supposed to go in this morning to be spayed, but we can't get out of the driveway, much less driving uphill and downhill, so she'll remain a hostage to her hormones for a while longer- poor thing. She wanders the house yowling for a boyfriend...
The day she was in NYC was the first time we had our Couples Bible Study here for dinner and study. We have really been blessed by this group of dear Christian couples and feel quite at home with our new church. This Sunday, (the 18th) we will be accepted as members of Covenant OPC.
Kate and Rebekah, with Laura along as well, joined the youth group for tubing at a nearby ski resort last Saturday. The adult in charge is a physical therapist associated with the PT we are taking Bekah to, and he declared that Bekah just may have straightened out her spine on some of the runs down the hill! (kidding of course)
She can have my scarf, I've taken up knitting. I can only knit scarves, one direction, no changes, just figuring out how to finish at the end. Erin and Bekah are also knitting scarves, which is fun because they have each chosen such unique yarns with which to work.
The sleet has changed back to snow now, and we've just watched the snow plow make 4 runs down our street. Erin is out sledding with the neighborhood girls, Bekah and Isaac are thawing out in front of the tv and Emmi is running up and down the stairs, meowing her frantic little heart out. Enjoy the pictures, and those of you in Florida, enjoy your relative warmth. This time last year I was watching the national weather and chuckling to myself- so go ahead!
So glad to hear from you again - finally! I was worried that the weather had taken over your internet connection. We were watching that enormous white blob move across the map from Chicago to Boston and knew you were getting your snow at last!
I'll be the little brat and say we are "basking" at 60 degrees here in San Antonio. Well, at least yesterday we were. Today it may get up to 45, and tomorrow we're going down to the 20's. BUT NO ICE OR SNOW!!!
Give everyone a warm hug for me. And take care of that kitty! Love to all, Aunt LaRue
Hey we had snow today too!! Robbie and Katie were loving it. Too bad it only lasted about an hour and it is gone now. It is in the 30's now but supposed to be colder tommorrow! So much for living in South.
Miss y'all!
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