Well, it's been quite a week. After my last post regarding the newer snow I took the kids and some friends into Shillington to go sledding at the park. When we were first up here and not yet in the house, I used to hang out at the local library and the ladies who work there were all very friendly and informative about living in this area. That's where I learned that Shillington park has one of the best sledding hills for miles around- and were they ever right! There's a huge, I really mean huge, hill in the back of the park with a single lane road barely cleared of snow by which it can be accessed. We all piled out of the van with the sleds, and while most of us gaped at the enormity of the distance to the bottom, Isaac hopped right onto his sled and hit the hill! Watching his red coat fly down I didn't know whether to laugh, panic or call 911! When he made it to the bottom and grabbed the sled to trudge back up for another run we all breathed a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Erin had her 12th birthday party at a local bead shop where she and her friends made matching bracelets before enjoying pizza and cake. The shop is in Knauers and her bus passes it every day going to and from Isaac's school. She has looked forward to having her party there for as long as we have lived here.
Monday nights for the past few weeks have found Jim taking Bekah, Erin and Isaac to the local Archery Club for archery lessons. The club has an indoor range and all the paraphernalia that they need to use as they learn the sport. Evidently Erin has quite the gift for archery. That's right, the one child who will never take aim at any furry beast. Fortunately,there are plenty of non-living targets for her to practice with. Monday nights is turning into a special time for Dad and the kids; I'm glad Jim has been able to find the time to get them there each week.
I said it was a busy week, but actually the week had a rather slow start for me. I was knocked out with a cold for the first half of the week, so not much was done for several days. Ever since my car accident in 2002 my upper back is my "early warning system" for illness. I get sore right between my shoulder blades and it stays sore until the last sniffle passes. Aches and pains have taken on a whole new meaning for me in that regard. At least I had a new novel to keep me occupied. Now I've finally read Jane Eyre, good book.
This weekend we took a pass on having anyone over, just to have a quiet Sunday to ourselves, and don't you know a severe weather advisory pops up on Saturday to warn us that a winter storm is blowing in Sunday afternoon. Anybody we invited would have had to cancel or end up stuck here. So Jim and the kids played outdoors as it snowed and gathered firewood into the house while Bekah and I slowly prepared a late lunch of southern fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Okay, not on the healthy heart menu, but oh, so tasty. I haven't fried chicken in years. I'm talking the real thing here, total immersion frying- yum!
As penance, or maybe just for the health of it, I shoveled the driveway this morning. If I can't get out on the roads to get to the gym I need to do something cardio-wise, and boy, the driveway sure fit the bill! Last week we didn't get one end of the drive cleared before the softening and re-freezing cycle got going and we have a glacier covering that part of the driveway now that none of us can move. Not wanting that to happen to the entire thing this week was also part of my motivation to take up the shovel I suppose.
I'm sure there's more to tell, I simply can't think of anything else. Enough rambling from me. BA out-